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Research Paper
Existential and Transcendental Freedom in Heidegger's thought

Zakieh Azadani; Seyyed Mohammad Reza Beheshti

Volume 14, Issue 53 , April 2018, Pages 7-24


  The question of freedom has been one of the most famous and also most important issues in the history of philosophy. But Heidegger's approach to this question is privileged and outstanding. This article tries to convey the idea of freedom in three phases of Heidegger's thought, on the basis of three ...  Read More

Research Paper
An investigation on Meaning into Husserl's Phenomenology contrary to Wittgenstein

Gholam abbas Jamali

Volume 14, Issue 53 , April 2018, Pages 25-44


  For Husserl, ontological frame of ideal sense is an indispensable foundation which describes phenomenon as objects of experience, being significance of language as well as objectivity of these constitution. Opposing, for Wittgenstein, meaning is noting expect logical form of sentence that is analyzed ...  Read More

Research Paper
A Critical Analysis of Aquina's Argument from Contingency and Platinga's Critique on it

Hossein Shams

Volume 14, Issue 53 , April 2018, Pages 45-60


  One of God existence proofs, is the contingency argument that proves a necessary being through contingency of beings. In the works of many Western and Islamic thinkers, the expression of this argument can be observed. The prominent philosopher and theologian of medieval period, Thomas Aquinas, was one ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Transition from Existential to a Pure Geometrical space and its Phenomenological Justifications

Ehsan Karimi Torshizi; Hedieh Yaghubi Bojmaeh

Volume 14, Issue 53 , April 2018, Pages 61-84


  In this paper, we shall demonstrate that the Cartesian approach to the res extensio and taking it as the most fundamental, essential determination of Vorhandenheit, though Descartes’ ontology is not rich enough to explain the relationship between pure extension and Dasein’s existential spatiality, ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Metaphysical foundations of the priority of democracy in Spinoza’s philosophy

Bayan Karimi; Seyyed Mostafa Shahraeini; Yusef Nozohur

Volume 14, Issue 53 , April 2018, Pages 85-102


  Spinoza is the first and the most important political philosopher to have considered Democracy as the best government. The superiority of Democracy in Spinoza’s political philosophy is based on the metaphysical foundations of his thought. Spinoza has taken two stands regarding the human nature; ...  Read More

Research Paper
Horwich’s Account of Later Wittgenstein’s Criticisms of the Metaphysics and Theory of Meaning of the Tractatus

Reza Mosmer

Volume 14, Issue 53 , April 2018, Pages 103-124


  In his later philosophical reflections, Wittgenstein, criticizes his early views in the Tractatus. Since the publication of Philosophical Investigations commentators and philosophers have made various attempts to explain the nature and the scope of these criticisms and revisions. Paul Horwich in his ...  Read More