• Absolute Knowledge Concept in Hegel`s Phenomenology of Spirit [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 103-128]

  • Acedia Explanation of Demonic Boredom from Soren Kierkegaard's Point of View and Criticism and Evaluation of Moral Solutions to Avoid It [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 1-29]

  • Ancient Greece Didactic Resources of Qaboosnameh in Ancient Greece Scholars Based on Intertextuality Theory of Gerard Genette [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 7-44]

  • Aristotle Aristotle and the Privation Theory of Evil [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 211-232]

  • Assumptions Re-Evaluation of Milton Friedman's View of Instrumentalism [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 141-162]


  • Bildung God as the criterion of morality and its relationship with the concept of Bildung In Fichte's later thought [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 187-210]

  • Bird Investigating Semmelweis's research through the Lipton's IBE and Bird's Holmesian inference [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 239-269]


  • Certainty Analysis and investigation of the concept of "hinge propositions" in Wittgenstein's epistemic system (based on the book "On Certainty") [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 75-102]

  • Chance Necessity and Chance in Marx's Doctoral Thesis [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 85-112]

  • City Gilles Deleuze and the Question of Essence of the Philosophy in Relation to the Earth and the City [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 189-210]

  • Cogito principle A Reflection on Suspicious and Hidden Prejudices in Descartes' Epistemology [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 59-84]

  • Concept Concept in Hegel`s Phenomenology of Spirit [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 103-128]

  • Contrareity Aristotle and the Privation Theory of Evil [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 211-232]


  • Deleuze Gilles Deleuze and the Question of Essence of the Philosophy in Relation to the Earth and the City [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 189-210]

  • Democritus Necessity and Chance in Marx's Doctoral Thesis [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 85-112]


  • Epicurus Necessity and Chance in Marx's Doctoral Thesis [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 85-112]


  • Friedman Instrumentalism Re-Evaluation of Milton Friedman's View of Instrumentalism [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 141-162]


  • Gerard Genette Didactic Resources of Qaboosnameh in Ancient Greece Scholars Based on Intertextuality Theory of Gerard Genette [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 7-44]

  • God God as the criterion of morality and its relationship with the concept of Bildung In Fichte's later thought [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 187-210]


  • IBE Investigating Semmelweis's research through the Lipton's IBE and Bird's Holmesian inference [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 239-269]

  • Infinity God as the criterion of morality and its relationship with the concept of Bildung In Fichte's later thought [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 187-210]

  • Intertextuality Didactic Resources of Qaboosnameh in Ancient Greece Scholars Based on Intertextuality Theory of Gerard Genette [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 7-44]

  • Ismailia Evil and its Representation in Nasser Khosrow's Ontology [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 31-57]



  • Karl Jaspers The "Empathic Spirituality" Approach based on Armstrong's Reading of Axial Age Theory in Jaspers [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 163-188]

  • Knowledge Analysis and investigation of the concept of "hinge propositions" in Wittgenstein's epistemic system (based on the book "On Certainty") [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 75-102]


  • Light God as the criterion of morality and its relationship with the concept of Bildung In Fichte's later thought [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 187-210]

  • Lipton Investigating Semmelweis's research through the Lipton's IBE and Bird's Holmesian inference [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 239-269]


  • Marx Necessity and Chance in Marx's Doctoral Thesis [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 85-112]


  • Nasser Khosrow Evil and its Representation in Nasser Khosrow's Ontology [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 31-57]


  • Phenomenal Knowledge Defining a Relation between Phenomenal Knowledge and Physical Knowledge [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 113-139]

  • Philosophical Instrumentalism Re-Evaluation of Milton Friedman's View of Instrumentalism [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 141-162]

  • Philosophy Gilles Deleuze and the Question of Essence of the Philosophy in Relation to the Earth and the City [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 189-210]

  • Philosophy of Mind Defining a Relation between Phenomenal Knowledge and Physical Knowledge [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 113-139]

  • Physicalism Defining a Relation between Phenomenal Knowledge and Physical Knowledge [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 113-139]

  • Possession and Privation.   Aristotle and the Privation Theory of Evil [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 211-232]

  • Prediction Re-Evaluation of Milton Friedman's View of Instrumentalism [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 141-162]


  • Qaboosnameh Didactic Resources of Qaboosnameh in Ancient Greece Scholars Based on Intertextuality Theory of Gerard Genette [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 7-44]


  • Realism Re-Evaluation of Milton Friedman's View of Instrumentalism [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 141-162]

  • Relationship The "Empathic Spirituality" Approach based on Armstrong's Reading of Axial Age Theory in Jaspers [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 163-188]


  • Semmelweis Investigating Semmelweis's research through the Lipton's IBE and Bird's Holmesian inference [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 239-269]

  • Spirituality The "Empathic Spirituality" Approach based on Armstrong's Reading of Axial Age Theory in Jaspers [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 163-188]

  • Spiritual life The "Empathic Spirituality" Approach based on Armstrong's Reading of Axial Age Theory in Jaspers [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 163-188]

  • Subjectivity The "Empathic Spirituality" Approach based on Armstrong's Reading of Axial Age Theory in Jaspers [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 163-188]


  • Thing in itself Concept in Hegel`s Phenomenology of Spirit [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 103-128]

  • Transcendence The "Empathic Spirituality" Approach based on Armstrong's Reading of Axial Age Theory in Jaspers [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 163-188]

  • Transparency Convergence of privacy and transparency, limitations of artificial intelligence design [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 45-73]


  • Unrealistic Assumptions Re-Evaluation of Milton Friedman's View of Instrumentalism [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2024, Pages 141-162]


  • Wittgenstein Analysis and investigation of the concept of "hinge propositions" in Wittgenstein's epistemic system (based on the book "On Certainty") [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2024, Pages 75-102]
