Document Type : Research Paper
PhD in philosophy , Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran
Gilles Deleuze in the late of his philosophical work, in what is Philosophy, considers the question of the essence of philosophy and the logic of the philosophizing activity in an important relation, about the city or earth (geo). That is the reason why philosophy will named "geophilosophy" in this book. In this article, we will consider geophilosophy in three periods: ancient Greece, the current city, and the future city. In the first part of the article, we will explain the genesis of philosophy in his earth, Greece; in the second part we explain the annihilation of philosophy in the current city; and in the last part, we will consider the revival of philosophy in the future city or earth. In the last part, at first, we think of the earth for philosophy because today philosophy doesn't have earth. After that, we pay attention to the relation of the earth of philosophy and the new city. We will follow these three periods of geophilosophy in relation to three essential elements of philosophy which we will explain their birth, annihilation, and revival in relation to these three cities: concept, friendship, and struggle.
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