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Volume 1 (2005)
Research Paper philosophy
Explanation of Demonic Boredom from Soren Kierkegaard's Point of View and Criticism and Evaluation of Moral Solutions to Avoid It

Behrouz Asadi

Volume 20, Issue 77 , March 2024, Pages 1-29


  Boredom or the lack of attractiveness of life experiences has been one of the inevitable sufferings of mankind since the beginning of history, which intensified with the industrial revolution and modernism. Meanwhile, different thinkers have tried to explain the why and how of this phenomenon and the ...  Read More

Research Paper philosophy
Evil and its Representation in Nasser Khosrow's Ontology

Mohamad Ali Khazanedarloo; Maede Maleki kalurazi

Volume 20, Issue 77 , March 2024, Pages 31-57


  Categorizing things into good and evil is as old as the creation of man, and it is the way people face each other that determines whether phenomena are good or bad. Evil includes a wide range of concepts, and one of the most important and controversial concepts is political evil, whose most important ...  Read More

Research Paper philosophy
A Reflection on Suspicious and Hidden Prejudices in Descartes' Epistemology

Javad Rabiee; Yousef Nozohour

Volume 20, Issue 77 , March 2024, Pages 59-84


  Descartes considered thought to be something of which we are directly aware. He described an idea as a mode of thinking and believed that innate ideas form a specific category of ideas that are regarded as self-evident and clear. Doubts about them can be removed through a process of rational inquiry ...  Read More

Research Paper philosophy
Necessity and Chance in Marx's Doctoral Thesis

Ali Karbasizadeh Esfahani; Milad Omrani

Volume 20, Issue 77 , March 2024, Pages 85-112


  According to Marx's interpretation, in the Democritean system, atoms move in a vacuum according to a blind necessity. Applying the word "accidental" to the Democritus system does not imply the unpredictable or causeless movement of atoms; rather, it indicates the absence of a prior plan or specific end ...  Read More

Research Paper philosophy
Defining a Relation between Phenomenal Knowledge and Physical Knowledge

Masoud Ghafari

Volume 20, Issue 77 , March 2024, Pages 113-139


  What is the relation between phenomenal concepts and physical concepts? In this paper, I try to propose an answer to this question with regard to the Knowledge Argument and Mary Thought Experiment. I neither argue for nor against the knowledge argument. I am not going to prove whether dualism or physicalism ...  Read More

Research Paper philosophy
Re-Evaluation of Milton Friedman's View of Instrumentalism

Payam Fazli

Volume 20, Issue 77 , March 2024, Pages 141-162


  The effects of philosophical concepts can be seen in various fields of science. One of the areas of influence of philosophy on economics has been around methodological concepts and epistemology. It seems that prominent economists of the 20th century were not without this influence. One of the philosophical ...  Read More

Research Paper philosophy
The "Empathic Spirituality" Approach based on Armstrong's Reading of Axial Age Theory in Jaspers

Mohammad Hossein Kiani

Volume 20, Issue 77 , March 2024, Pages 163-188


  The purpose of this paper is to analyze the reading that Armstrong draws from the Axis theory in order to provide a semantic approach to emerging from contemporary challenges, and to what extent this reading is based on Jaspers' thought about the Axis Age and the specific human existence (Existenz). ...  Read More

Research Paper philosophy
Gilles Deleuze and the Question of Essence of the Philosophy in Relation to the Earth and the City

Davood Moazami goodarzi

Volume 20, Issue 77 , March 2024, Pages 189-210


  Gilles Deleuze in the late of his philosophical work, in what is Philosophy, considers the question of the essence of philosophy and the logic of the philosophizing activity in an important relation, about the city or earth (geo). That is the reason why philosophy will named "geophilosophy" in this book. ...  Read More

Research Paper philosophy
Aristotle and the Privation Theory of Evil

Ali Nikzad; Ghasem Pourhasan

Volume 20, Issue 77 , March 2024, Pages 211-232


  According to the privation theory of evil, evil is the privation of something that a thing should naturally possess on account of its species. This definition of privation is introduced by Aristotle, but Aristotle himself has never explicitly equated evil with privation. In Categories, Aristotle has ...  Read More