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Research Paper
General to Locke & Berkeley

seyyed mohammad hakak; zahra Esmaeli

Volume 11, Issue 44 , January 2016, Pages 7-22


  Abstract In history of philosophy, the universals are considered to be one of the most important and controversial problems. A group of thinkers has highlighted   to be mark of difference between human and animal while some others have degraded it to a mere name. Importance of this issue was ...  Read More

Research Paper
Language in Heidegger's thought

Ruhollah rajabi; Reza Soleiman Heshmat

Volume 11, Issue 44 , January 2016, Pages 23-40


  Understanding logic, the possibility of new logics and also recognition (understanding) of grounds of metaphysics entails understanding of the truth of language. Language always recognized as the system of signs and in order to convey thoughts. Heidegger is one of the thinkers who has presented a special ...  Read More

Research Paper
The World Within Human, or Human Within The World An Inquiry on the Relationship Between Human And The World According to Mullasadra's Viewpoints

fatemeh soleimani

Volume 11, Issue 44 , January 2016, Pages 41-60


  Islamic philosophers believe that human being is the microcosm and the world is macrocosm. Thus, according to this view, human is the essence and extract of the world and her comprehensiveness is drawn from her divine spirit breathed into her body. Among philosophers, this is Mullasadra who believes ...  Read More

Research Paper
Language and Knowledge in Plato’s Cratylus

iman shafibeik

Volume 11, Issue 44 , January 2016, Pages 61-78


  This article is an attempt to explain the relation of language to knowledge according to Plato’s Cratylus. In this dialogue, Plato examines and then refuses the two views concerning the correctness of words: conventionalism (denoting that correctness of each word is by convention) and naturalism ...  Read More

Research Paper
Motahari’s Philosophical approach to the question of the relation between Reason and Religion

mehdi behniafar; hamideh mokhtari

Volume 11, Issue 44 , January 2016, Pages 79-94


  The relationship between Reason and Religion is one of the most fundamental matters in the territory of Philosophy of Religion and philosophical epistemology. Theologians have considered especially religious aspects of it from many centuries ago and have presented different perspectives on this issue. ...  Read More

Research Paper
The formulation of the principle of identity in the pre-Socratic era

naser momeni; mohammad javad safian

Volume 11, Issue 44 , January 2016, Pages 95-107


  One of the most important problems in Humans thought is the Principle of identity. What is the meaning of this principle? How it comes to be? Can we speak, basically, of coming to be of something-here the principle of identity? Are the principles something discoverable? Or they are unknowable? The early ...  Read More