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Volume 13 (2017)
Volume 12 (2016)
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Volume 9 (2013)
Volume 8 (2012)
Volume 7 (2011)
Volume 6 (2010)
Volume 5 (2009)
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Volume 2 (2006)
Volume 1 (2005)
Research Paper
The concept of Disinterestedness in ideas of John Scotus Erigena, Lord Shaftesbury, Francis Hutcheson and David Hume

Davoud Mirzaei; Ali Salmany

Volume 11, Issue 42 , July 2015, Pages 7-20

  The concept of Disinterestedness is one of the fundamental concepts in aesthetic experience which comes to mind in the name of Kant. Kant examined it at the first moment of his First Critique. Indeed, disinterested experience or in other words, Disinterestedness is a unique character of aesthetic experience ...  Read More

Research Paper
Epistemic Determination of Mulla Sadra's Philosophy and Criticism of two points of view

Abdulah Salavati

Volume 11, Issue 42 , July 2015, Pages 21-36

  Correct reading of Sadra wisdom coordinates and its epistemic determination can play an important role in understanding and interpretation of issues of transcendental philosophy. Regardless of eclectic look to the philosophy of Mullah Sadra and doubt about it as an independent school of thought, theories ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Structure of Identifying the Manifestations of Literariness: Esthetical Approach

hesam hajmomen; Majid Salehbek

Volume 11, Issue 42 , July 2015, Pages 37-54

  According to the common sense, literature as a collection of literary works is considered as a conventional concept. However, in this regard, we face some questions like what distinguishes a literary text from a non-literary one? how is it possible for a heterogeneous collection of text to be included ...  Read More

Research Paper
تأثیر عوامل غیرمعرفتی بر باور دینی از دیدگاه ویلیام جیمز

Najme Al- Hosseini; Ala Turani; Narges Nazarnejad

Volume 11, Issue 42 , July 2015, Pages 5-22

  Today, one of the important issues in the field of epistemology is the impact of non-epistemic factors on human religious belief. William James (1842-1919) is the first one who attributed only one factor among the eight to have influence on the belief development process to reasoning and considered the ...  Read More

Research Paper
تحلیل محتوایی عشق‌شناسی افلاطون و ابن‌سینا

Alirezā Sayādmansur; Seyyed Abbās Dhahabi

Volume 11, Issue 42 , July 2015, Pages 23-42

  Recognized as the first philosophers who innovated some philosophical approaches to love in the Greek and Islamic traditions, Plato and Avicenna included love among the jewels of philosophical issues, and wrote some treatises on analysis of love that became the precursors of a novel philosophical approach. ...  Read More

Research Paper
درون گرایی و دیدگاه ویتکنشتاین در بحث زبان خصوصی

Khadije Hasanbeykzāde; Mirsaʻid Mousavi Karimi

Volume 11, Issue 42 , July 2015, Pages 43-58

  Wittgenstein's view on the so-called “private language argument” is among the most important parts of his school of thought in the second period of his philosophical life. Here, there is one basic question that is whether we can imagine a language whose terms are merely understandable for ...  Read More