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Volume 1 (2005)
Research Paper
Knowledge-based Analysis of the Stages of Faith in Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy

Seyyed Mohammadkazem Alavi

Volume 10, Issue 38 , July 2014, Pages 7-28

  The level-based nature of faith is one of the important issues revolving faith and has a valued place in the Quran . This issue, which derives from Quran’s verses , has drawn attention to itself in Mulla Sadra’s (1571-1640 A.D) hermeneutics . Mulla Sadra proposes different divisions for faith ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Seddiqin Demonstration as Narrated by Hakim Sahba and Its Place in the Transcendent Philosophy of Mulla Sadra

Hamed Naji Isfahani

Volume 10, Issue 38 , July 2014, Pages 29-42

  Aiming to prepare the teaching of Seddiqin Demonstration and gazing upon that whose existence is imperative from the viewpoint of mere existence, primarily founded by Ibn Sina, (Shirazi, 1999), prominent figures have spent time on this affair and have come up with different readings. As a renowned scholar ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Essence of ‘Meaning’ in Ibn Arabi’s Thought

Masoud Haji Rabii; Mohammad Fanaie Eshkevari

Volume 10, Issue 38 , July 2014, Pages 45-60

  ‘Meaning’, in Ibn Arabi’s thought, is a general and common truth between the different semantic levels of a lexical item. Each item naturally has levels of semantics on which it applies. This common truth makes up the single essence dominant on the meanings of a word. This theory reconciles ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Image of God in the Thoughts of Two Muslim Philosophers: Naser Khosrow and Sanaii

Mojtaba Mojarad; Abdollah Radmard

Volume 10, Issue 38 , July 2014, Pages 61-74

  The image of God has been presented in a particular way in each culture and civilization. Such images which are born out of particular beliefs of a different schools of thought, directly influence the thoughts and deeds of the people, as well as the construction of their ideologies and worldviews. Our ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Value of Time for Daharis

Yahya Solati Cheshmemahi; Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari

Volume 10, Issue 38 , July 2014, Pages 75-86

  Dahar’ is the Arabic word for time and means age or eon. The term ‘Dahari’ was coined by Arabs, near the end of the Sassanid era, to refer to the followers of Zorvanism. This religious belief is a deviant belief system of Zoroastrianism which, through trimming mythological and metaphysical ...  Read More

Research Paper
Study and Criticism of Incarnation in Chrisitianity

Mohammadkazem Rezazadeh Joudi

Volume 10, Issue 38 , July 2014, Pages 87-102

  The issue of Incarnation is one of the fundamental beliefs in Christianity on which others principles such as The Holy Trinity or Ransom Theory of Atonement are based. From the beginning, this belief has faced numerous discussions regarding the nature and manner of the unity between human and divine ...  Read More

Research Paper
Requirements and Philosophical Consequences of the Advertisement Industry in the Media

Alireza Mansouri

Volume 10, Issue 38 , July 2014, Pages 103-119

  The cliché understanding of mass media is that they are tools and means to transmit news and expand communications whose function is to be informative, provide entertainment and promote ethical codes amongst the people. The present study, mainly by depending on the viewpoints and approaches of ...  Read More