Volume 20 (2024)
Volume 19 (2023)
Volume 18 (2022)
Volume 17 (2021)
Volume 16 (2020)
Volume 15 (2019)
Volume 14 (2018)
Volume 13 (2017)
Volume 12 (2016)
Volume 11 (2015)
Volume 10 (2014)
Volume 9 (2013)
Volume 8 (2012)
Volume 7 (2011)
Volume 6 (2010)
Volume 5 (2009)
Volume 4 (2008)
Volume 3 (2007)
Volume 1 (2005)
Research Paper
Philosophic Sagacity and the Problems of Transmitting Philosophic Knowledge without Writing: The Ekiti Yoruba Experience'

Muyiwa F alaiye

Volume 2, Issue 5 , April 2006, Pages 69-84


  Based on recent field research among the Ekiti) South West Nigeria) this paper explores the question ofphilosophic sages. It attempts to find traditional experts) possessing the capacity for critical and rigorous thought) as required l?J pbilosopby, but ivithout the abiiity to nirite. Tno k(!)' questions ...  Read More

Research Paper
Murtahda Mutahhari and John Stuart Mill's Critique of the Consumeristic Commodification of Culture

Andrew Gustafson

Volume 2, Issue 5 , April 2006, Pages 85-94


  This paper compares the thought of Miff and Mutahhari, particuiar/y their vie1vs of moral education, higher sentiments, and their common values. Itfurthermore argues that Miff and Mutahhari both provide a strong basis for a critique of the consumerivation of culture, ivhich often happens in a giobaiized ...  Read More

Research Paper
What to Make of Michel Foucault's Perceptions of the Iranian Revolution

hoseyn kassim

Volume 2, Issue 5 , April 2006, Pages 95-114


  This article revisits Foucault's articles and intenne»s on the Iranian revolution. It retieius them in l(ght qf the foll01ving two contentions: (t) Foucault's interpretation ef Kant's essqy on '1J7hat is Enlightenment?'1 and his article "Kant on Enlightenment and Revolution n that evolve into Foucault's ...  Read More

Research Paper
Philosophic Sagacity and the Problems of Transmitting Philosophic Knowledge without Writing: The Ekiti Yoruba Experience'

Muyiwa F alaiye

Volume 2, Issue 5 , April 2006, Pages 115-124


  Based on recent field research among the Ekiti) South West Nigeria) this paper explores the question ofphilosophic sages. It attempts to find traditional experts) possessing the capacity for critical and rigorous thought) as required l?J pbilosopby, but ivithout the abiiity to nirite. Tno k(!)' questions ...  Read More