Document Type : Research Paper


PHD Candidate of Ethics, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


In this study, it will be tried to describe Parfit’s interpretation of Kantian impartiality by referring to Parfit’s work as well as to criticize the mistakes of Parfit’s vision. Then, the author's solution as the alternative view in this debate will be predented. To sum up, author believes that the Parfit’s vision hasn't fully success in structure, content and consequent. It means that he couldn’t match his work (in interpretation of Kant) with the other part of Kantian thought, he couldn’t present an acceptable content about impartiality in Kant’s philosophy and he couldn’t produce moral- useful results from his analyses. To reform Parfit’s mistakes, the author will refer to Kantian third critique, which is known as the power of judgment. According to this part of his philosophy, we cultivate our self and we learn an impartial view that is educated to live by beauty and ethics. This term can constitute a moral agency and can prepare a common criterion of moral knowledge.


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