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Volume 9 (2013)
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Volume 1 (2005)
Research Paper
Nietzsche's Philosophy or Nietzsche the Philosopher

ali karbasi zadeh

Volume 4, Issue 15 , October 2008, Pages 7-23


  From the ancient time, Philosophy has been defined by philosophers in many different scopes. Nietzsche, who acknowledged himself as a "Philosopher", has offered a definition of philosophy too; however, his perception of philosophy is thoroughly different from the others, because he contemplated philosophy ...  Read More

Research Paper
Guardianship Completion from a Mystic and Religious Perspective; Focusing on Ibn Arabi’s Viewpoints

Mahin Arab

Volume 4, Issue 15 , October 2008, Pages 25-44


  Guardianship as one of the foundations of religion is the core and essence of it. In the rules of Islam, it has been quoted, "Deeds are not accepted unless performed with faith in Guardianship". In fact, Guardianship is the heart and basis of the entire human virtues and the starting point of achieving ...  Read More

Research Paper
An Introduction to Aristotle's Philosophy of Logic

gholamreza zakyani

Volume 4, Issue 15 , October 2008, Pages 45-61


  The philosophy of logic is a posterior science, which examines the philosophical principles of logic as well as the matters derived from the logical debates. Aristotle's philosophy of logic has not been collected yet, but we need to do it due to comparing the ancient logic with the modern interpretations. ...  Read More

Research Paper
Critical Remarks Concerning the Experience of Modernity in Iran

Ali Paya

Volume 4, Issue 15 , October 2008, Pages 63-89


  The present paper pursues three general objectives. In the first place, it tries to present a succinct account of the phenomenon of modernity. Secondly, it goes some way towards producing a brief and critical assessment of some aspects of this phenomenon in the context of Iran. And, thirdly, it offers ...  Read More

Research Paper
Modalization of the Quantifier, and Modalization of the Copula: an Investigation into the History of Logic in Islamic Tradition

Mohammad Ali Ejeii

Volume 4, Issue 15 , October 2008, Pages 91-101


  In his book Asas al-ightibas Tusi speaks of a group of logicians who maintain that modality can be applied in order to modalize the quantity of a proposition. The standard view maintains that in a modalized proposition the modal term can only qualify the relation of the predicate to the subject. Avicenna ...  Read More

Research Paper
Popper, Rationality, and the Economical Theories

Ali Maleki

Volume 4, Issue 15 , October 2008, Pages 103-136


  The concept of “rationality” is a key and highly cited concept in many theories of social sciences in general, and in economics in particular. Because of its logical and methodological importance in one side, and many controversial discussions over its definition, content and status in the ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Difference between "Understanding" and "Reason" in Kant's Terminology

Mohammad Shafii

Volume 4, Issue 15 , October 2008, Pages 137-144


  While Kant presupposes the existence of science and ethic, he studies their boundaries and limits as well. For doing this, he applies two terms and expressions, i.e., “reason” and “understanding”. In this paper, we take a look at the definitions of those two concepts in Kant’s ...  Read More