Volume 20 (2024)
Volume 19 (2023)
Volume 18 (2022)
Volume 17 (2021)
Volume 16 (2020)
Volume 15 (2019)
Volume 14 (2018)
Volume 13 (2017)
Volume 12 (2016)
Volume 11 (2015)
Volume 10 (2014)
Volume 9 (2013)
Volume 8 (2012)
Volume 7 (2011)
Volume 6 (2010)
Volume 5 (2009)
Volume 4 (2008)
Volume 2 (2006)
Volume 1 (2005)
Research Paper
Morality and Literature (Charles Dickens and his English Contemporaries)

vasil ghalouchan

Volume 3, Issue 11.10 , July 2007, Pages 1-30


  Examiningg the lilemry works of Charls Diceens, William Makepmce Thacktrqy, George Elliot and Thomas Harq)•, the a11thor produces a momic of the Victorimr morality in 19th centery E11gla11d. The author comes to tbe concluion that the Viaorian age was not as pnritan as it is usually imagined and ...  Read More

Research Paper
The American Cultural Identity: Philosophical Reflections on the Existing Controversies over its Nature

seyed alireza hoseyni beheshti

Volume 3, Issue 11.10 , July 2007, Pages 31-58


  Since the la.st two decades of the last centery, the American cosiaty has witnessed that emergence of a social movement could "multiculturalism". It has challenged the dominated moniestic view which prescient for a long time the American culture as more or less homogeneus with little (if any at all) ...  Read More