Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Philosophy, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran;

2 Ph.D. Student of Philosophy of Art, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran;


The purpose of this paper is to examine the relation between Dionysian and Apollonian in Nietzsche's philosophy of art with Schopenhauer's philosophy. In this context, while expressing the history of the existing interpretations of the relation of the Dionysius and the Apollonian with the will and representation and also with sublime and beautiful, we look at their strengths and weaknesses. Then, in a complementary discussion and different from the tradition of existing interpretations, we seek the relation between Dionysius and Apollonius in Schopenhauer's philosophy of morality. In philosophy of morality, Schopenhauer considers egoism (Egoismus) the will of life to be the main basis of our moral actions. He interprets this egoism as none benefiting (Eigennutz) egoism which involves egoism the will of life and egoism in the form of mere evil. In the sense egoism the will is the same yes-saying to will, Nietzsche has put them the basis of his art philosophy by changing valuating and giving them the names of Dionysius and Apollonius. This justifies powerfully the egoism of Dionysian poetry of Archilochus and also Homer’s Apollonian Epics (The Achilles' Song of Epic). This is a solid and strong reason for linking the Dionysian and Apollonian with Schopenhauer's philosophy of morality. It also shows the deep connection between Nietzsche's philosophy and ethics and valuating in the field of art which is also seen in all fields. So, in addition to the will, the imagination, the beautiful and sublime in Schopenhauer's philosophy of morality, the various aspects of the Dionysius and Apollonius will also be revealed, and it brings us to a comprehensive definition of the two, of course, as far as they are related to Schopenhauer's philosophy.


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