Document Type : Research Paper



In Baudrillard’s view, the post-modern approach - with the dominance of codes, signs and replacing production with consumption in people’s daily life - has started a new process, which has not only resulted in the failure of contemporary man’s motto of individuality and developing opportunities for presenting his demands, but also, in this atmosphere, which is saturated with signs from media; art, politics, religion and economics, as separate and concrete areas, have lost their outer reality and have disappeared in the horizon of media’s dominance together with the concept of subject. According to Baudrillard, this approach is in the shape of game and is made up of general concept of art. With this difference, that art is no longer defined as a realm separate from politics, religion and economics, art is, in a general sense, transmuted into a style and method, in light of which, ugly and beautiful, good and bad, right and wrong are departed from their references (authorities) such as ethics, religion, economics and work of art and pass out in the end of the route together with the concept of subject. 


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