Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Philosophy, Allamah Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy of Art, Allamah Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.


Herbert Marcuse, a Frankfurt philosopher, has tried to redefine the concept of reason from Hegel's point of view. In his different view, he tries to show that the category of cognition and self-consciousness is not possible without addressing the hidden parts of the reason by adding psychoanalysis. He argues that it is an important part of recognizing desire and has been suppressed by the system of dictatorship in history. For Marcuse, the field of aesthetics and art are the parts in which the psyche is manifested, through which one can recognize the neglected parts and the position of individual desire and approach freedom. A case study of Kamal al-Molk of Iranian culture is a very good example, given all the angles that Marcuse describes. An artist who does not change when he sees change and, on the contrary, resists it and does not happen to achieve the self-consciousness that Marcuse wants. This poses a new complexity to Marcuse's position. This article tries to explore the inadequacy of each of the philosophical and psychoanalytic views according to the given example to say that the desire of the subject involved in the individual subconscious is confiscated long before puberty in childhood. He is barren and incapable of any movement. In this new narrative, it becomes clear that the concept of reason has a recovery beyond the mere realization of Marcuse's intended aesthetics, and that its implications are more serious and profound than what Hegel, Marcuse, and Freud thought.


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