Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Iranian Institute of Philosophy, Tehran, Iran


The term life-world, which is introduced in parallel with topics such as the “natural concept of the world” and the “environment world”, is of great importance in Husserl’s later philosophy. It is a very complex and multi-meaningful concept that has led to different and often contradictory interpretations. Husserl examined this concept in the book Crisis from three aspects: worldly (mundan), ontological and transcendental, and in this way, it takes on different meanings, which are summarized as follows: the life-world is 1) the world of natural position; 2) the intersubjective world of action, which includes all the things that man deals with in everyday action; 3) a world given to perception; 4) the spiritual and historical world of culture; 5) the world precedes science (pre-science), which is in opposition to objectivism, especially modern objectivism, which is associated with the development of the natural sciences; 6) one of the ways to enter the transcendental realm. This article deals with the relations of the life-world with science, culture, and the transcendental realm.


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