Document Type : Research Paper


1 ph.d. student, Department of philosophy of art, faculty of art and architecture,central tehran branch, islamic azad university, tehran , iran.

2 Associate Professor , of philosophy, university of Isfahan, Isfahan, iran

3 Professor ,of art, , tehran university, tehran, iran


The relation between Art and Truth in the history of western thought has been proposed since the advent of art theory in the Plato and Aristotle era. In the modern era, philosophers have also considered this relation. We know that there was a great deal of separation by Baumgarten, between Truth and Art with the advent of aesthetics in the modern era, and this separation got determined by Kant. But after him, thinkers such as Hegel tried to think about the relation of art and truth again. Of course, Hegel did not explicitly bring up the relationship between Art and Truth, but he considers Art as an appearance of "manifestations of the absolute" and dignity of its realization. Art is the first demonstration of absolute spirit. "What is the relationship between Art and Truth from Hegel's point of view? What is his perception and comprehension of the Truth? And how does he attempt to overcome the complete separation between Art and Truth (with his dialectics, of course) which has been brought by modern aesthetics?", are the main questions of this paper. The method of this research is the interpretative and content analysis based on the works of Hegel, his commentators, and other philosophers (related to the subject).


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