Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Science and Technology, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


This paper aims to examine the possibility and sensibility of Religious Science based on the metaphysical consistency of Science and Religion. The main question of this paper is whether the Religious Science is possible and sensible in principle. In order to reply to this question, I confine myself to natural or empirical science, and discriminate between science and technology on the one hand, and between humanities and social sciences from empirical sciences on the other hand. In the first step, I examine Golshani’s view as a brilliant defender of the metaphysical approach of Religious Science and then consider the critical view of Paya, as its opponent. Based on some evidence from the history and philosophy of science, it is concluded that principally religious science in the sense of metaphysical consistency of both areas is possible and sensible. Also, the possibility and sensibility of Religious Science depend on the selected approach to the nature of science or our own philosophy of science. From the metaphysical point of view, the meaning of nature and world and from the epistemological point of view, the meaning of science and its goals could be different in a Religious Science and in Islam can be driven from ‘Tawheed’ principle especially. So, the possibility of religious science is relying on the change in our philosophy of science. In addition, it seemed that the term ‘Theistic Science’ is can lead to less misunderstanding than Religious Science.


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