Document Type : Research Paper


1 Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Literature, Isfahan University, Iran

2 Professor in Philosophy and Islamic Theology, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran;


The views of Mulla Sadra have affected man’s being as well as his moral school. The relation between man’s fate and morality as well as the effect of self-purification, which is a moral necessity, is clearly explained by the divine teachings in Mulla Sadra intellectual system. Principally, Mulla Sadra’s ontology has the potential to explain the ultimate goal of morality in his theological system. The perceived transcendental wisdom of being and mankind and the type of its perception of religious texts will have new consequences in its moral school. Many of the problems of moral schools, including the question of the subjective or objective nature of morality, self-actualization, or virtue in morality, plurality or unity in the moral attitudes of a kind of man, the task or conclusion in morality, etc., in the transposition of transcendental wisdom lead to a clear and immediate outcome. In this paper, while the influence of the principles of the immortality of the soul, the quality of its origin and its survival, the powers of the soul and the wise and reasonable measures, are elucidated on ethical issues, the general lines of Mulla Sadra’s moral school are extracted according to its foundations and works in this field.


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