Document Type : Research Paper


assistant professor at Iranian Institute of Philosophy


One of the new challenges to ‘free will’, based on new sciences, is the experiment that Benjamin Libet did about the brain’s processes that lead to human will. In this experiment he concluded that it is not so that humans initially will, and then the brain will work and execute the order of the will and finally organs move as a result of those process; but it is the human brains that unconsciously initiate the will 400 ms before action and humans will be aware of the brain's decision only 150 ms before the action. In this article, we have discussed the Libet's experiment on conscious will and according to the principles of Mulla Sadra, such as the abstract - material identity of the soul, predication between the soul and the forces, consciousness in all degrees of existence; we have explained the conscious will. The result of this study is that in Mulla Sadra's philosophy, Libeb's experiment does not conflict with the conscious will.


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