Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Philosophy,University of Isfahan , Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor in Philosophy, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran


Can Herder's philosophy of culture be a model for what is now called intercultural philosophy? Following the list of the components of intercultural philosophy from the standpoint of Ram and the Wimer in one case, Herder's thoughts about the plurality of cultures and critique of the Enlightenment 's Eurocentrism read out, with respect to those components, to answer this question,. By this to read out, Herder's hidden ideas in this contemporary issue, or in other words, a model for it, appears. While in the Enlightenment, the rest of the cultures were immature and humiliated, for more than two centuries, Herder, with the idea of cultural diversity, provided the basis for intercultural thought in his philosophy of culture. And with critique of Enlightenment's Eurocentrism, he resolved the biggest obstacle for it. Herder's precise boundary is between Rejection of radical relativism and skepticism, and promising cultural pluralism. The ultimate causes of history or affairs, in his own words, are good and perpetual, such as humanity, Happiness, Development and providence are his facilities against radical relativism. As a result of these matters as well as on the effect of cultural openings over each other, and other common issues, Herder provided important areas and mediums for polylog and coexistence of civilizations and cultures.


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