Document Type : Research Paper


1 post doctorate scholar in iranian institute of philosophy

2 Associate Professor in Philosophy of Art, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran;


This paper is about Corbin's investigations in aesthetics. These investigations are a part of his universal project named "comparative theology". Corbin's comparative aesthetics is founded on his perception of phenomenology; the one he calls "tawil". So in a successful comparative effort, all phenomena must be compared to its sources. So for a comparative aesthetics, we should search for common sources, and these common sources can only be reached by esoteric tawil. This esoteric tawil based on a special perception on time and truth. And this perception makes real understanding, i.e. "Waai" possible. Henry Corbin contents only with this esoteric tawil, we can compare tow works of art with extreme geographical distance. A task Corbin claims to do. We try to find out that pattern which Corbin's comparative aesthetics is based on; so this paper begins, presenting methodological elements of this comparative aesthetics and is to be ended by Corbin's analysis in this field.


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