Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Philosophy, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Philosophy, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


The question of freedom has been one of the most famous and also most important issues in the history of philosophy. But Heidegger's approach to this question is privileged and outstanding. This article tries to convey the idea of freedom in three phases of Heidegger's thought, on the basis of three important concepts: human being, world and Being. If the question of freedom in Being and Time concentrates on the concept of Dasein and his returning to himself as the pure possibility, in the writings between the years 1928 to 1931, the idea of transcendental freedom is posed in relation to the concept of the world. Here, freedom as the ground of every grounding, let Dasein connect the beings as a whole and build a world. Finally, since 1931, the question of freedom tied to the issue of Being and became the fundamental condition of unconcealment as the truth of Being.
