Document Type : Research Paper
PHD philosophy student Tabriz University - Professor at Mazandaran University
Critique of Kant's philosophical and epistemological plans for aesthetic judgments has taken an important step in his confrontation with the beautiful. Regardless of the aesthetic dimension of the beautiful, Kant has viewed the work of art as a value that can be combined with ethics, metaphysics, and rationalism. The formal and content effect of the critique of the power of judgment is not hidden from any philosophical attitude. But Gadamer, in Truth and Method , Criticizes Kant's aesthetic experiences. His critical reading of Kant and his ontological view of the beautiful have, in many respects, made the vast potential of Kant's concepts unnecessary. The essay shows that Gadamer's narrative of kant , before escaping a negative aspect of the cognitive pursuit of the beautiful, is very positively affected by it. Gadamer is considered a critic of Kant's work, but he has positively and negatively preserved Kant's aesthetics. The direct effects of Kant's concepts on Gadamer's aesthetic experience have unilaterally demonstrated many of his critiques of Kant. The essay in the first part, analyzes the beautiful from the perspective of Kant and Gadamer. In the second part, the epistemological foundations of Gadamer's concepts are introduced, and in the final section, in three independent critiques to Gadamer, a new version of Gadamer's reading of Kant is presented.
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