Document Type : Research Paper


1 4th level student of seminary, and PhD student of Tehran University

2 Faculty member of Tehran University


By proposing the theory of "evolution of species", Darwin has in mind the explanation of the mechanism of creation in all kinds of organisms. As a biologist, he did not seek philosophical conclusions from evolution, but his view later became the basis for the atheistic interpretation of creation by some such as Dawkins. Dawkins considers the complex forms of life to be the product of the longitudinal movement of millions of small and improbable growths and evolutions that have shaped the natural world and life through an accumulation process; In his view, "natural selection" can explain the evolution of nature on its own without the assumption of an intelligent principle. At the same time, the supporters of the "intelligent design" theory, with various modeling, report that the probability of the random creation of life and genetic information by the Darwinian mechanism is stunningly insignificant, and even impossible.
This essay clarifies with the method of conceptual, propositional and systematic analysis that Dawkins' cumulative argument is based on a set of logical and philosophical fallacies; From the explanation of how the natural order is formed, he expects to explain its why and cause, and it is clear that such an imposition will not go anywhere logically. Secondly, cumulative argument by the density of suspicion, not Dawkins' hypothesis, which proves the claim of theists.


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