Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of philosophy at Khatam University Phd student

2 Associate Professor, University of Tehran


The method of the present research is descriptive-analytical and it is discussed to express the arguments of the immortality of the soul and reincarnation in Phaedo and their similarities and differences with Orpheusian and Pythagorean doctrines. There is a difference of opinion regarding how Plato was influenced by these traditions. Some commentators believe that Plato was influenced by Orpheusian thought in expressing his eschatological teachings, and others considered them to be influenced by the Pythagoreans. Reincarnation is the most important eschatological doctrine, which has many disagreements about its origin, and some of Plato's arguments are based on it. This doctrine raises questions, such as what is the connection between liberation from the cycle of reincarnation and the divinity of the soul? In addition, what is the necessary condition of this divinity? In this article, while expressing and analyzing Plato's arguments based on Orpheusian and Pythagorean eschatological thinking, we address these questions and express our position regarding how and how they influenced much Plato.


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