Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate of Philosophy of Art, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate of Comparative Philosophy, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran


The Epistemic Bubble and the Echo Chamber are two phenomena of the Post-Truth area that deny scientific knowledge. The Epistemic Bubble exposes the individual to unbalanced arguments by eliminating knowledge outside the bubble and strengthening trust in the knowledge within it. In contrast, the Echo Chamber does not eliminate the knowledge outside the chamber but makes it unreliable. This unreliability of knowledge outside the room is accompanied by an increase in trust in knowledge inside the Echo Chamber. Both of these phenomena are common in building trust in knowledge within their community and distrust of scientific knowledge. In this paper, using the analytical-descriptive method, a solution to get out of the Epistemic Bubble and the Echo Chamber is presented. In this path, first, the two phenomena of Epistemic Bubbles and Echo Chambers are examined. Then Hoyningen-Huene’s Systematicity theory will be introduced. Systematicity theory shows that in common subjects, scientific knowledge in nine dimensions is more systematic than everyday knowledge. According to this theory, systematicity means that scientific knowledge is not purely random or accidental, is not chaotic, not completely unplanned nor unordered, and is methodological. The results show that the comparative nature of this theory helps to distinguish between knowledge in the Epistemic Bubble or Echo Chamber and Science. This theory will help us find a way to check the reliability of the acquired knowledge and make it possible for the person to get out of the Epistemic bubble and the Echo Chamber.


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