Document Type : Research Paper


bagherolulum research center, qom, iran


This article tries to answer the question that if spirituality is an existential transcendence, how can one clarify the anthropological approach as the basis of spirituality based on the philosophy of Jaspers? The author, by presenting an existential presentation of spirituality, shows that the four dimensions of Dasein, Absolute consciousness, Spirit and Existence (Existenz), as the basis of the Jaspers' anthropology provides a comparative possibility of expressing a new and fundamental reading of "spirituality as existential transcendence". Accordingly, spirituality is an internal jump, which is understood by the perception of the existence, and the consistency of spirituality is also a self-evolving action to Approaching existence. On the other hand, Jaspers perceives philosophy as an inner action that leads man to an existential path to gain credible knowledge of himself and reality. Therefore, a spiritual person who has attempted Approaching to transcend existential becomes aware of his original self. This consciousness is not related to objective consciousness, since this mode of consciousness that occurs in the context of "Absolute consciousness" can be replaced by any other perception and interdisciplinary finding; rather, the consciousness that Jaspers means is a kind of spiritual understanding that makes sense of one's life.


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