Document Type : Research Paper


1 Philosophy / Persian Literature and Foreign Languages university / Tehran / Iran

2 philosophy/Persian Literature and Foreign Languages university/Tehran/Iran


Although the problems concerning natural causality, particularly the problem of the difference between causally-driven relations and non-causally-driven relations, are one of the most controversial problems discussed frequently by contemporary physicists and philosophers. However, Islamic thinkers have paid no significant attention to this problem so far, and the Islamic Thought Council has been in session Concurrence of such problems is almost devoid of opinion and thought. In response to the problem the difference between causally-driven relations and non-causally-driven relations, David Lewis proposes the causal dependence, which is tested in the context of counterfactual conditionals. The practical evaluation of this theory suggests that it contains a limited range of causes and does not provide the necessary knowledge in the process of causation and in many cases even fail to do so. In contrast, it seems that based on the thought of Islamic philosophy, one can defend the theory of direct knowledge and integrate it with the theory of the Intuitive Faculty.


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