Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Philosophy Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages Allameh Tabataba’i University

2 Full Professoratf Department of Philosophy Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign LanguagesAllameh Tabataba’i University


Although the matter of the “Other” have not been considered by Muslim scholars as an independent issue, there is capacity to discuss the matter in all schools of thought in the Islamic world, especially that of mysticism. For this reason, one can examine the “other” in the works of Ibn Arabi as a representative Islamic mysticism and search his intellectual foundations. The fundamentals such as the symbolism of divine names, the widespread adoption of the field of salvation, and the inaccessibility of the whole truth can clarify the position of this well-known mystic against the “other”. One of the most important foundations of Ibn Arabi’s ontology in his approach to the “other” is the symbolism of divine names and considering the “other” as one of the divine names. Avoiding monopoly on truth and knowing the “other” from bliss and salvation is also a positive view towards the “other”. Ibn Arabi’s emphasis on the lack of clarity of the truth and it not being exclusive to a particular group or sect will lead to search for truth in the religion of the “other”.


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