Document Type : Research Paper



The relationship between Reason and Religion is one of the most fundamental matters in the territory of Philosophy of Religion and philosophical epistemology. Theologians have considered especially religious aspects of it from many centuries ago and have presented different perspectives on this issue.
In this paper, we intend to survey Motahari’s view about the Islamic Pillars or Principles, and also analyze possibility of putting these principles as axioms of an axiomatic (and maybe a deductive) system. Then, in further step, we examine the hypothesis that Motahari’s viewpoint of the principles of religion make a Rational Entrance for ancillaries and secondary articles of Islam. Furthermore, we are going to Show this entry is a rational position for the principles of religion that have a philosophical value. In addition; this entry specifies the relationship between reason and religion. Meanwhile, we will represent that its extern–religious prospect in philosophy of religion is independent of intra–religious prospect.
Finally, based on this premises, we can derive only one compatible response to the question of relation between Reason and Religion. The response will be a Rational and cross religious one that would be the inter-subjective and defensive basis for dialogue among Religions.


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