Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Philosophy, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Philosophy, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Modern media are undoubtedly the most important phenomenon of the current century. Since it has affected all aspects of human life, from science, religion, policy, economy and culture to most personal everyday relations; the “lifestyle” of the contemporary man, in a word. Such a wide range of influence has made thinkers to discuss and study the media. These studies has resulted in a new interdisciplinary field of science known as "Philosophy of Media" which explores the media from various aspects. In a approach to media nature, some believe in an independent essence which is individually devisable. Some other, on the other hand, refer to the media as a means and believe that the media lack the authority to direct human life, and it is the man who determines how to use media, instead. This paper aims to study Heidegger and Postman points of view about the media. Both thinkers are considered to be essentialists who have commented the media from technology aspect and emphasized on self-awareness to encounter any technology, including media, in order to get rid of contemporary crisis.


Main Subjects

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